Tuesday, December 15, 2009
31 december will be ten years I experienced my most memorable moment, it was the day I became born again. It was on the 31ist day of December 1999. It was on that day I experienced my magic moment, just like a magic my life was transformed from grass to grace, from the life of hopelessness to a life of vision and from nobody I became somebody.
Before that day I was living in total dejection, after failing to further my education I thought that all hope was lost and that I will never make it in life therefore I gave up the faith and start living a wayward life, then my life became a misery, no joy, no peace and no hope.
On the 31ist of December 1999[my most memorable day] a friend of mine invited me to a retreat organized by deeper life bible church. At first I didn’t want to go with him but later due to his persistence I reluctantly agreed to go with him.
When I arrive at the International Bible Training Center [IBTC] Ayobo, Ipaja Lagos state Nigeria, the venue of the retreat, the sight of the premises gave me the notion that I’ve arrive at the mount of transfiguration. Later I saw a filed beside the hall of meeting and I decided to rest on the grass because according to my friend the normal meeting has ended it remains the watch night services, which will user us to the New Year.
As I was lying on the grass I slept off, next time I waked up was in the midst of a large crowd which could not go into the hall because the hall was filld already, then I heard the sound of the organ and the voice of the choir which sang melodiously, then I listed very attentively and got the message of the song which says; 'when upon life’s below you are tempest tossed when you are discouraged thinking all is lost count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the lord has done’. Then all of a sudden I went into real meditation and in retrospect I realized that God has been nice to me, even the level I was able to achieve in my education was all by his grace. I looked around and saw the blinds, the poor, the lame and all manner of people all came together and were worshiping God with gladness, there I maid a resolution to serve God even before the pastor came to preach and maid an alter call, then I stud up from the grass and went to the alter and obtain grace. So that was how my life was trans formed from grass to grace, since that day December 31ist 1999 has remain the most memorable day of my life
Monday, December 7, 2009
Ever wondered why it's so hard to find a job in Nigeria???????
Chukwu Emeka had just been retrenched from a high flying job, and now he set out hoping to bounce back into the job market. He started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6a.m. While his coffee pot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG).
He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN ENGLAND, IMPORTED FROM DUBAI), designer
jeans (MADE IN SOUTH AFRICA) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA). After cooking his breakfast on his new electric cooker (MADE IN INDIA) he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today.
After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN JAPAN)
according to BBC (BROADCASTING FROM LONDON) time, he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY AND REFURBISHED IN BELGIUM) and continued his search for a good paying NIGERIAN JOB.
At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day, Chukwu decided to relax for a while. He sat on his leather couch (MADE IN CANADA) reading a best-seller novel (PUBLISHED IN USA). After a while he wanted to refresh himself. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), to CNN (TRANSMITTED FROM AMERICA) and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in.....NIGERIA...!
Food for thought
Chukwu Emeka had just been retrenched from a high flying job, and now he set out hoping to bounce back into the job market. He started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6a.m. While his coffee pot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG).
He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN ENGLAND, IMPORTED FROM DUBAI), designer
jeans (MADE IN SOUTH AFRICA) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA). After cooking his breakfast on his new electric cooker (MADE IN INDIA) he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today.
After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN JAPAN)
according to BBC (BROADCASTING FROM LONDON) time, he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY AND REFURBISHED IN BELGIUM) and continued his search for a good paying NIGERIAN JOB.
At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day, Chukwu decided to relax for a while. He sat on his leather couch (MADE IN CANADA) reading a best-seller novel (PUBLISHED IN USA). After a while he wanted to refresh himself. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), to CNN (TRANSMITTED FROM AMERICA) and then wondered why he can't find a good paying job in.....NIGERIA...!
Food for thought
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Roads we travel
There are many roads we travel
And probably most we leave behind
We continue to walk ahead of us
New fresh roads we want to find
And sometimes we wonder
If we took the best road we could
If we could erase them and start over
We often think perhaps we would
Some road we travel often though
Off and on throughout the years
They get worn and sad and weary
And we shed so many tears
But we try to put them behind us
And trudge bravely on ahead
Trying very heard to not look back
But find great new road instead
So no matter were we’ve been
As our lives we continue to unveil
We all just try to do our best
With the many roads we travel
There are many roads we travel
And probably most we leave behind
We continue to walk ahead of us
New fresh roads we want to find
And sometimes we wonder
If we took the best road we could
If we could erase them and start over
We often think perhaps we would
Some road we travel often though
Off and on throughout the years
They get worn and sad and weary
And we shed so many tears
But we try to put them behind us
And trudge bravely on ahead
Trying very heard to not look back
But find great new road instead
So no matter were we’ve been
As our lives we continue to unveil
We all just try to do our best
With the many roads we travel
Monday, November 16, 2009
was sitting at the gallery of our church auditorium that Sunday morning; the worship service that day was combined so the youth normally will sit at the gallery. I sat in the middle row towards the front we
re I can have a clearer view of the pulpit which was downstairs and was listening, meditating and responding praise the lord when even someone shouted praise the lord from the pulpit.
In the middle of the service, the leather of service called out the people that will be wedding soon to come and invite the church to their wedding. When they came out, they were about
5 in number so the congregation erupted in a joyful noise. When the noise died down, they began to invite the church one after the other. The 1st one grabs the microphone and shouted praise the lord and the congregation responded with a thunderous hallelujah then he began; ‘by the grace of God come may 18th, I will be marching to this alter with this beautiful lady by my side, I’m inviting you all to our wedding as you come, may the lord bless you in Jesus name. Amen’ after that he gave to his wife to be who also did like wise.
After there turn they gave the mic to second couple who also invited to church, then to the 3rd, the 4th but when it came to the 5the, the husband to be was not there, however, when the lady grab the mic the church erupted in a cheerful noise and when she shouted praise the lord, some people even jumped up to respond hallelujah. She seems to be and important personality and everybody admire her and the church were egger to hear what she has to say.
Meanwhile, were I was sitting; I was just admiring this beautiful lady who dress gorgeously in an alluring apparel. I couldn’t get my eyes off her; she was charming like the girls you see on a soft sale magazine cover. I began to imagine that I’m the one who will be wedding this beautiful sister. I saw my self walking down the isle with the sister holding hands together. I did not know when she began to talk but I was waked up from my reverie when the lady said; ‘by the grace of God, come may 18th I will marching to this alter with that brother sitting at the gallery, his name is Emeka Anyagu’ and she was pointing at me. Immediately all eyes were on me, the camera man beamed his camera on me and my face was all over the projector. People sitting beside me were saying; ‘o boy you are very lucky.’ Then the leather of service asked me to come down and invite the church. But when I came down from the gallery, everybody has disappear, the church, the intending couples, even my wife to be was no were to be found and I was left alone with the leather of service. I was still wondering what happened when he taped me at the back and told me that THE LUCKIST MAN IS THE MAN THAT KNOWS THE MIND OF A WOMAN. As I turned to leave, he told me not to worry that God’s time is the best and he gave me a paper and when I opened the paper I saw this note written on it; AMORE VINCIT OMNIA. I was wondering what could be the meaning of the word then I woke up, behold it was all a dream.

In the middle of the service, the leather of service called out the people that will be wedding soon to come and invite the church to their wedding. When they came out, they were about
5 in number so the congregation erupted in a joyful noise. When the noise died down, they began to invite the church one after the other. The 1st one grabs the microphone and shouted praise the lord and the congregation responded with a thunderous hallelujah then he began; ‘by the grace of God come may 18th, I will be marching to this alter with this beautiful lady by my side, I’m inviting you all to our wedding as you come, may the lord bless you in Jesus name. Amen’ after that he gave to his wife to be who also did like wise.
After there turn they gave the mic to second couple who also invited to church, then to the 3rd, the 4th but when it came to the 5the, the husband to be was not there, however, when the lady grab the mic the church erupted in a cheerful noise and when she shouted praise the lord, some people even jumped up to respond hallelujah. She seems to be and important personality and everybody admire her and the church were egger to hear what she has to say.
Meanwhile, were I was sitting; I was just admiring this beautiful lady who dress gorgeously in an alluring apparel. I couldn’t get my eyes off her; she was charming like the girls you see on a soft sale magazine cover. I began to imagine that I’m the one who will be wedding this beautiful sister. I saw my self walking down the isle with the sister holding hands together. I did not know when she began to talk but I was waked up from my reverie when the lady said; ‘by the grace of God, come may 18th I will marching to this alter with that brother sitting at the gallery, his name is Emeka Anyagu’ and she was pointing at me. Immediately all eyes were on me, the camera man beamed his camera on me and my face was all over the projector. People sitting beside me were saying; ‘o boy you are very lucky.’ Then the leather of service asked me to come down and invite the church. But when I came down from the gallery, everybody has disappear, the church, the intending couples, even my wife to be was no were to be found and I was left alone with the leather of service. I was still wondering what happened when he taped me at the back and told me that THE LUCKIST MAN IS THE MAN THAT KNOWS THE MIND OF A WOMAN. As I turned to leave, he told me not to worry that God’s time is the best and he gave me a paper and when I opened the paper I saw this note written on it; AMORE VINCIT OMNIA. I was wondering what could be the meaning of the word then I woke up, behold it was all a dream.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Talk About LOVE
“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.
“There’s no fear in love; but perfect love (not lust) casts no fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
We love Him because He first loved us.” 1 john 4:17-19.
. . . . This is the biblical aspect of love, and this the perfect love thru’ which all being s of the earth should follow. Not the world’s love (lust), which can’t go with above quotation.
. . . . Now, let us talk about the love that concerns us, though in biblical injunctions but of two people (male & female).
. . . .
Do you believe that only your physiology, glands and your hormones can provide love? It is not true. Love is part of relationship – It can’t be reduced to physical xteristics and body chemistry.
Love doesn’t necessarily connect with having sex alone as some people term it as ‘making love’. It always part of relationship in the sense that it is all about giving, sharing, communicating, enduring, condoling ones partner, contributing to the well being of one another.
Physical xteristics can go with love but on the perfect side, but it can go all the way down the line on lust: Love is spiritual, according to the scriptures, that if you do not love you don’t know God for ’God is love.’ That’s why its’ said real men love God but fakes lust after girls .
Now,ignorance to the knowledge of love is usually a greater spur to fear than the knowledge of love itself.For wisdom doe not grow in isolation. The philosophies of love has dated back before the begining of civilization, right from the days of Adam & Eve.It was love that bound them to God in the Eden Garden untill they lusted after the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad.You see, lust is deadly but love promotes life.
so take note.When somebody says 'I love you' watch him very closely and monitor his character,actions and advancements when and when not in your presence.
don't succumb to a person's sweet talks when he makes advances to you, (he may be lion on sheep's clothing).He will use you and dump you when satiated. And this is lust in its widest sense,there's no attachment of love in it.Though he will spend money on you but that's to get you to his bed,when he has fully gotten what he wants from you (that's your body),he just give you the boot, then and only then will your eyes open.So don't fall aprey to their money, no matter how alluring it can be.It is only physical.
Now talk of relationships.Relationship built on genuine caring (love) is beyond human redemption and that is the relationship that is loving and trusting,based on a realistic assessment of each others virtures and faults.This is love not lust.And this is the love that makes you fel as if you're high in the clouds with masses of energy and no need to sleep.
Love is a strong human magnetic force that can drive one crazy. It is a strong feeling which body nor heart can express.But one can assess lust in terms of promiscuity and wantom immorality,it is not principled and conscientious.
Lust deals on immoral affairs and promiscuous relationships which is precarious especially in terms of AIDS/ HIV, and one can always find fault with the partner but love is a pure blissful affair and a robust one too in which the partners doesn't feel precarious of each others company for the love of God creates no error and knows no evil.
forward this to your friends ( if u love them .
from David Ikey Agu
“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.
“There’s no fear in love; but perfect love (not lust) casts no fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
We love Him because He first loved us.” 1 john 4:17-19.
. . . . This is the biblical aspect of love, and this the perfect love thru’ which all being s of the earth should follow. Not the world’s love (lust), which can’t go with above quotation.
. . . . Now, let us talk about the love that concerns us, though in biblical injunctions but of two people (male & female).
. . . .
Do you believe that only your physiology, glands and your hormones can provide love? It is not true. Love is part of relationship – It can’t be reduced to physical xteristics and body chemistry.
Love doesn’t necessarily connect with having sex alone as some people term it as ‘making love’. It always part of relationship in the sense that it is all about giving, sharing, communicating, enduring, condoling ones partner, contributing to the well being of one another.
Physical xteristics can go with love but on the perfect side, but it can go all the way down the line on lust: Love is spiritual, according to the scriptures, that if you do not love you don’t know God for ’God is love.’ That’s why its’ said real men love God but fakes lust after girls .
Now,ignorance to the knowledge of love is usually a greater spur to fear than the knowledge of love itself.For wisdom doe not grow in isolation. The philosophies of love has dated back before the begining of civilization, right from the days of Adam & Eve.It was love that bound them to God in the Eden Garden untill they lusted after the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad.You see, lust is deadly but love promotes life.
so take note.When somebody says 'I love you' watch him very closely and monitor his character,actions and advancements when and when not in your presence.
don't succumb to a person's sweet talks when he makes advances to you, (he may be lion on sheep's clothing).He will use you and dump you when satiated. And this is lust in its widest sense,there's no attachment of love in it.Though he will spend money on you but that's to get you to his bed,when he has fully gotten what he wants from you (that's your body),he just give you the boot, then and only then will your eyes open.So don't fall aprey to their money, no matter how alluring it can be.It is only physical.
Now talk of relationships.Relationship built on genuine caring (love) is beyond human redemption and that is the relationship that is loving and trusting,based on a realistic assessment of each others virtures and faults.This is love not lust.And this is the love that makes you fel as if you're high in the clouds with masses of energy and no need to sleep.
Love is a strong human magnetic force that can drive one crazy. It is a strong feeling which body nor heart can express.But one can assess lust in terms of promiscuity and wantom immorality,it is not principled and conscientious.
Lust deals on immoral affairs and promiscuous relationships which is precarious especially in terms of AIDS/ HIV, and one can always find fault with the partner but love is a pure blissful affair and a robust one too in which the partners doesn't feel precarious of each others company for the love of God creates no error and knows no evil.
forward this to your friends ( if u love them .
from David Ikey Agu
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I need you, darling.I love you so much.I spend my time dreamingof your tender touch.Life is so beautifulbut nothing equals this.I thrill to the thoughtof your precious kiss.In you, I found somethingthat I never knew--each day is more beautifulwhen someone loves you.And I'm so thankfulfor this gift of love.You're everythingthat I ever dreamed of. Prince Emeka
To My Own President ORJI UZUR KALU
Each time I read your write-ups on Saturday sun, I remember how devastated I was when the result of the last election that brought Yar’Adua into power was announced. Your write-ups denote that you’ve got the strategy to make Nigeria work again. You seem to know Nigeria very well and understand where its problem lies.I pray and I believe that in the future we’re going to have the privilege of walking under your leadership to Nigeria’s emancipation.You may not be the president now but you’re the president of a good number of youths like me, who have been learning under your leadership series. Please keep it up.Please continue your good works despite the circumstance, for he that does well is some times hated by some bad people. God is on your side and he’s the one that will reward your good works.
I know that this note will not go well with some people but with time the will undersand.
Prince Emeka
I know that this note will not go well with some people but with time the will undersand.
Prince Emeka
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hi,I want you to read between the line of what you areabout to read. After reading it you will know the reason why it was published.
People come into your life for a REASON, a SEASON anda LIFETIME. When you figure out which one it is, you’ll know what to do for each person. When someone is in your life for a REASON it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support to aid you physically emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then without any wrongdoing ony our part or at an inconvenient time this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end, or there could even be a misunderstanding between two of you that eventually brought the relationship to and end. Or as fate will have it, something just happened. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they just walkaway. Sometimes they just act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, and our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered. And now it is time to move up.
Then people come into your life for a SEASON. Because your turn has come to share grow and learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something that you’ve never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.Believe it is real! But only for a SEASON.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;things that you must build upon in order to have a solid foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson,love the person and put what you’ve learn in use in all other relationship and areas of your life. It is said that love is build but relationship is clairvoyant. From Prince emeka
People come into your life for a REASON, a SEASON anda LIFETIME. When you figure out which one it is, you’ll know what to do for each person. When someone is in your life for a REASON it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support to aid you physically emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then without any wrongdoing ony our part or at an inconvenient time this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end, or there could even be a misunderstanding between two of you that eventually brought the relationship to and end. Or as fate will have it, something just happened. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they just walkaway. Sometimes they just act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, and our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered. And now it is time to move up.
Then people come into your life for a SEASON. Because your turn has come to share grow and learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something that you’ve never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.Believe it is real! But only for a SEASON.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons;things that you must build upon in order to have a solid foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson,love the person and put what you’ve learn in use in all other relationship and areas of your life. It is said that love is build but relationship is clairvoyant. From Prince emeka
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
ARISTORISM IN OUR UNIVERSITY. The first time I entered the University of Lagos I was astonished and fascinated by the environment. At that moment, I had the impression that I have arrived at the ivory tower. As a new comer, I began to study the vicinity; therefore I read every signboard I saw on the way. Along the line I came across this signboard that baffled me, what baffled me was the inscription on the signboard, which read thus: - “ARISTORISM IS ARISTOCRACY OUR DEAR DAUGHTER BEWARE OF ATISTORISM” When I got home that day, I did not hesitate to consult my dictionary to know the meaning of the two key words that maid up the inscription which is; ARISTORISM AND ARISTOCRACY. But to my consternation, after searching through my new edition of Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, none of the two words could be found there. All I could find was Aristocracy, Aristocrat and Aristocratic. I then assumed that the printer might have misspelled the words during the time of printing the word on the signboard. The next day I resolved going back to unilag with the hope of blazing a train of alerting the student union by whom courtesy the sign-board was built that there was an error in the spelling of some of the words on the sign-board. When I entered the university gate that evening, I was carried away by the sight of the campus girls which dressed in different kinds of flimsy and foxy wears as they line up as if they were waiting to welcome an important dignitary on his arrival. As I was standing there being astonished I saw one guy and I demanded from him to tell me the reason why those girls were lying up there, he told me that they were waiting for Aristos. I was confused when I heard the word “Aristos” so I went ahead and asked him to explain what he meant by “Aristos”. “Don’t tell me you don’t understand what Aristo means” he asked looking rather surprised. I was ashamed that I haven’t come across such word before, but Idecided not to pretend.”. “Pleased, to be frank, I don’t know the meaning” I confessed. “Would you mind explaining it to me”. I demanded. “Okay I’ll explain it to you” he started. “Aristos’ are the men that usually come on weekends with cars to pick those girls for a night out; they are the highly placed men in the society. They are called the Aristocrats, but the short form is “Aristos” he explain.” Today is weekend that is why you see them standing there.” “Do you know the funny thing about them? They are crazy about them because they give them a substantial amount after a night out”. He added. After the explanation he bid me fare well. When the guy left I stood there observing how crazy those girls were about the so called Aristos, I even overheard one of them said that any Aristo she got tonight she will make sure he becomes hers for ever. I saw them throwing paper into any car that pass which I later understand to be there contact address. Before I could say Jack Robinson the so-called Aristos started arriving with there push cars picking the girls one after the others. As I stood there wondering about what I saw, fortunately for me I looked up and saw the signboard again, which baffled me before. This time I don’t need anybody to interpret the meaning of the inscription for me .I understood clearly that what those girls were doing was ARISTORISM and I saw how ARISTO-CRAZY they were. At that moment I understand that the printer did not misspelled any of the word. I also understand that the writer was actually preaching a sermon but unfortunately those girls could not hidto his warnings. ARISTORISM is very common in all our universities. The school authority in unilag and the student union has been trying there best to warn the student against ARISTORISM. Recently, the authorities in unilag have taking another bold step by introducing a new dress code that will guide the student on the type of cloth to be worn inside the campus. All those flimsy, foxy and outlandish dresses are no longer welcome inside the campus. But the big question is; can this solve the problem of ARISTORISM in our university? If I were a lexicographer, I’ll make a new entry for ARISTORISM and ARISTOCRAZY in my dictionary. I’ll define ARISTOCRAZY as an act of flirting or selling ones body to Aristocrat for money making, while I define ARISTOCRACY as a state of when one is addicted to selling her body to Aristocrat for money. Other universities in Nigeria should wake up to fight against ARISTORISM. They should emulate the authority in unilag and their move so far to fight against ARISTORISM. Another measure to be taking in the fight against ARISTORISM is to enlighten the student on the danger of ARISTORISM. Let them know that ARISTORISM is precarious because it exposes one to the danger of contacting the dreaded HIV/AIDS and other STDs. One can be used for rituals making, it can also jeopardize one education in the future when one become ARISTO-CRAZY.I think this should be written on the gate of all our tertiary institutions: ARISTORISM IS ARISTOCRAZY OUR DEAR DAUGHTER BEWARE OF ARISRORISM.Prince Emeka AnyaojuWrite in from Surulere Lagos
Monday, September 21, 2009
Dose your best friend brings out the best in you?
Who you choose to be your closest friends or associates is one of the most important decisions you will make during the course of your life. What you are today and what you are going to be in five years time is determine by two things” the people you associate with and the kind of books you read. You will become like those you closely associate with.
A day away from the wrong association with some people, the more your life will improve, it’s true what proverbs said: “putting confidence in an unreliable man is like chewing with a wore tooth, or trying to run on a broken foot.
Your true best friends are those who bring out the best in you. You are better not worse after you have been around them. Sometimes a single conversation with the right person can be more valuable than many years of study.
The right kinds of friends are those with when you can dare to be yourself, someone you can dream in front of aloud. For me, my best friends are those who understand my past, believe in my future and accept me today just the way I am. from
Emeka deyemman@yahoo.com
Who you choose to be your closest friends or associates is one of the most important decisions you will make during the course of your life. What you are today and what you are going to be in five years time is determine by two things” the people you associate with and the kind of books you read. You will become like those you closely associate with.
A day away from the wrong association with some people, the more your life will improve, it’s true what proverbs said: “putting confidence in an unreliable man is like chewing with a wore tooth, or trying to run on a broken foot.
Your true best friends are those who bring out the best in you. You are better not worse after you have been around them. Sometimes a single conversation with the right person can be more valuable than many years of study.
The right kinds of friends are those with when you can dare to be yourself, someone you can dream in front of aloud. For me, my best friends are those who understand my past, believe in my future and accept me today just the way I am. from
Emeka deyemman@yahoo.com
Saturday, September 12, 2009
my magic moment
My most memorable moment was the day I became born again. It was on the 31ist day of December 1999. It was on that day I experienced my magic moment, just like a magic my life was transformed from grass to grace, from the life of hopelessness to a life of vision and from nobody I became somebody.
Before that day I was living in total dejection, after failing to further my education I thought that all hope was lost and that I will never make it in life therefore I gave up the faith and start living a wayward life, then my life became a misery, no joy, no peace and no hope.
On the 31ist of December 1999[my most memorable day] a friend of mine invited me to a retreat organized by deeper life bible church. At first I didn’t want to go with him but later due to his persistence I reluctantly agreed to go with him.
When I arrive at the International Bible Training Center [IBTC] Ayobo, Ipaja Lagos state Nigeria, the venue of the retreat, the sight of the premises gave me the notion that I’ve arrive at the mount of transfiguration. Later I saw a filed beside the hall of meeting and I decided to rest on the grass because according to my friend the normal meeting has ended it remains the watch night services, which will user us to the New Year.
As I was lying on the grass I slept off, next time I waked up was in the midst of a large crowd which could not go into the hall because the hall was filld already, then I heard the sound of the organ and the voice of the choir which sang melodiously, then I listed very attentively and got the message of the song which says; 'when upon life’s below you are tempest tossed when you are discouraged thinking all is lost count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the lord has done’. Then all of a sudden I went into real meditation and in retrospect I realized that God has been nice to me, even the level I was able to achieve in my education was all by his grace. I looked around and saw the blinds, the poor, the lame and all manner of people all came together and were worshiping God with gladness, there I maid a resolution to serve God even before the pastor came to preach and maid an alter call, then I stud up from the grass and went to the alter and obtain grace. So that was how my life was trans formed from grass to grace, since that day December 31ist 1999 has remain the most memorable day of my life
My most memorable moment was the day I became born again. It was on the 31ist day of December 1999. It was on that day I experienced my magic moment, just like a magic my life was transformed from grass to grace, from the life of hopelessness to a life of vision and from nobody I became somebody.
Before that day I was living in total dejection, after failing to further my education I thought that all hope was lost and that I will never make it in life therefore I gave up the faith and start living a wayward life, then my life became a misery, no joy, no peace and no hope.
On the 31ist of December 1999[my most memorable day] a friend of mine invited me to a retreat organized by deeper life bible church. At first I didn’t want to go with him but later due to his persistence I reluctantly agreed to go with him.
When I arrive at the International Bible Training Center [IBTC] Ayobo, Ipaja Lagos state Nigeria, the venue of the retreat, the sight of the premises gave me the notion that I’ve arrive at the mount of transfiguration. Later I saw a filed beside the hall of meeting and I decided to rest on the grass because according to my friend the normal meeting has ended it remains the watch night services, which will user us to the New Year.
As I was lying on the grass I slept off, next time I waked up was in the midst of a large crowd which could not go into the hall because the hall was filld already, then I heard the sound of the organ and the voice of the choir which sang melodiously, then I listed very attentively and got the message of the song which says; 'when upon life’s below you are tempest tossed when you are discouraged thinking all is lost count your many blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the lord has done’. Then all of a sudden I went into real meditation and in retrospect I realized that God has been nice to me, even the level I was able to achieve in my education was all by his grace. I looked around and saw the blinds, the poor, the lame and all manner of people all came together and were worshiping God with gladness, there I maid a resolution to serve God even before the pastor came to preach and maid an alter call, then I stud up from the grass and went to the alter and obtain grace. So that was how my life was trans formed from grass to grace, since that day December 31ist 1999 has remain the most memorable day of my life
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