Sunday, September 19, 2010


Whenever you logged in to your facebook page you will see this question ‘what’s on you mind?’ Unless you answer that question your status will not be updated. If you do all other things on facebook without writing ‘what’s on your mind?’ on your wall, only your activities will be updated but your status will not be updated. It’s ‘what’s on your mind?’ that determines your status on facebook.

The same thing is applicable to life. It’s what is on your mind that determines your status in life. The bible said that ‘as a man thinks so he is’. You are what you think. All that we are arsis from out thought. What you are today and what you will be in the future is as a result of what’s on your mind. Therefore I want you to ask yourself this important question. What’s on your mine? Even as you are reading this piece now, what’s going on in your mind? As you go out every day, what’s do you have in mind? As you think about your future, what’s comes to your mind? When you are confronted with difficult situation, what comes to your mind? It’s what we have in mind that determines how you will overcome the situation.

If you desire to update your status in life, you need to change your mind set. Don’t forget, it’s what’s on your mind that determines your status in life. That is why you must be positive minded. Don’t let any negative thought enter your mind. Negative thoughts are like virus that crashes our system. Like computer your mind is the central processing unit, it’s what happens there that determines what you will project as a person

The change that you desired will come from your mind, by changing your mind set you may crate that change that you desired for a long time. Change comes from implementing what’s on our mind. Don’t wait for change, create it! Creativity stats from the mind. The reason some are unemployed today is as a result of what’s on their mind. Who say you can’t start your own business? If nobody employs you, employ your self. Don’t be idle, God doesn’t like idleness. If you don’t have anything doing look for problem to solve, problem solvers are the people that become great in life. See the life of Joseph, he was in the prison solving problem and that brought him from prison to palace. So don’t say because you are not there yet, what have you done where you are now. Don’t say you can’t do this, you can’t do that; you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. No matter the situation you find yourself believe in yourself. For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love of power and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

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