Friday, November 13, 2009

Talk About LOVE

“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.
“There’s no fear in love; but perfect love (not lust) casts no fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
We love Him because He first loved us.” 1 john 4:17-19.
. . . . This is the biblical aspect of love, and this the perfect love thru’ which all being s of the earth should follow. Not the world’s love (lust), which can’t go with above quotation.
. . . . Now, let us talk about the love that concerns us, though in biblical injunctions but of two people (male & female).
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Do you believe that only your physiology, glands and your hormones can provide love? It is not true. Love is part of relationship – It can’t be reduced to physical xteristics and body chemistry.
Love doesn’t necessarily connect with having sex alone as some people term it as ‘making love’. It always part of relationship in the sense that it is all about giving, sharing, communicating, enduring, condoling ones partner, contributing to the well being of one another.
Physical xteristics can go with love but on the perfect side, but it can go all the way down the line on lust: Love is spiritual, according to the scriptures, that if you do not love you don’t know God for ’God is love.’ That’s why its’ said real men love God but fakes lust after girls .
Now,ignorance to the knowledge of love is usually a greater spur to fear than the knowledge of love itself.For wisdom doe not grow in isolation. The philosophies of love has dated back before the begining of civilization, right from the days of Adam & Eve.It was love that bound them to God in the Eden Garden untill they lusted after the fruit of the knowledge of good and bad.You see, lust is deadly but love promotes life.
so take note.When somebody says 'I love you' watch him very closely and monitor his character,actions and advancements when and when not in your presence.
don't succumb to a person's sweet talks when he makes advances to you, (he may be lion on sheep's clothing).He will use you and dump you when satiated. And this is lust in its widest sense,there's no attachment of love in it.Though he will spend money on you but that's to get you to his bed,when he has fully gotten what he wants from you (that's your body),he just give you the boot, then and only then will your eyes open.So don't fall aprey to their money, no matter how alluring it can be.It is only physical.
Now talk of relationships.Relationship built on genuine caring (love) is beyond human redemption and that is the relationship that is loving and trusting,based on a realistic assessment of each others virtures and faults.This is love not lust.And this is the love that makes you fel as if you're high in the clouds with masses of energy and no need to sleep.
Love is a strong human magnetic force that can drive one crazy. It is a strong feeling which body nor heart can express.But one can assess lust in terms of promiscuity and wantom immorality,it is not principled and conscientious.
Lust deals on immoral affairs and promiscuous relationships which is precarious especially in terms of AIDS/ HIV, and one can always find fault with the partner but love is a pure blissful affair and a robust one too in which the partners doesn't feel precarious of each others company for the love of God creates no error and knows no evil.
forward this to your friends ( if u love them .

from David Ikey Agu

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